FREE 27-Point Network Problem Prevention Analysis

Fed Up With Computer Problems? Our FREE 27-Point Network Analysis Will Reveal Conflicts, Security Loop Holes, and Other Flaws In Your Network

“I just want the darn things to work the way they are supposed to!” Have you ever said that about your computer or network? If so, we can make that a reality without breaking your budget. As a perspective customer, we want to give you a FREE 27-Point Problem Prevention Network Analysis to:

  • Diagnose any ongoing problems or concerns you are currently experiencing with your network.
  • Verify the integrity of your data backups (Note: Tape backups and external hard drives fail a 100% of the time; don’t wait for a crisis to hit before you discover yours are not working!)
  • Look for hidden viruses, spyware, and loopholes in your network security that could allow hackers and viruses to compromise your network and confidential information.
  • Review your server logs to uncover developing problems and conflicts that will turn into unexpected down-time.
  • Answer your questions about upgrades, adding new equipment, remote access, or any other project you have in mind.

Our typical customer has 5 to 150 workstations, is a professional service business, and relies heavily on e-mail and the Internet for communication. Our clients hire us to support their technology because they do not want to incur the overhead and cost of a full-time IT staff, and they don’t want to burden their employees with the responsibility of troubleshooting the company network.

(all we ask is that you agree to the following)

  1. I Agree..that I have 5 or more computers within our company.
  2. I Agree..that I expect reliability and security from our computer network.
  3. I Agree..that technology is a powerful tool used for increasing productivity and gaining competitive advantages.
  4. I Agree..that I want a technology partner that will act as a trusted advisor and seek to improve the position of our company in all areas.
  5. I Agree..that I am willing to invest in technology to improve communications and eliminate manual tasks.

What to expect :

  • A professional technician to take care of all your technical needs.
  • Professional recommendations from MODOMO’s senior level staff.
  • We will work to make your life and business better and less stressful when it comes to managing technology.
  • Peace of mind.

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*  First Name:
*  Last Name:
*  Company Name:
*  Industry:
*  Address:
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*  Phone:
*  Your email address:
*  # of Computers:
*  # of Servers:
*  How Did You Hear About Us:

*  Enter the security code shown:


No Spam*Important: We HATE spam as much or more than you do and will not rent, share, or sell your information with anyone ever! We will only use your information to communicate with you directly, and you can remove yourself from our list at any time.