Our "Worry-Free-Technology" program provides a complete solution for supporting and managing the
overall health of each computer in your company. Worry-Free-Technology’s support plans ensure that your computers are functioning properly, protected, and secure against technology threats and disasters. Computers are in your office to help you run more efficiently and MODOMO ensures that is possible around the clock.
Worry-Free-Technology offers Service Management in three plans that range from remote monitoring only support to full support, including on-site and after hours support.
24-7 Remote Monitoring
Security settings
System performance, uptime, and trends
Notification of unusual events, problems
Daily back up monitoring
Daily firewall monitoring
Monthly Executive Summary Report
Adding and removing users
Virus Definition Updates
Unlimited Remote Patch Mgmt.
Online custom client portal
Daily system status e-mail
Quarterly review and planning meeting
Virus Removal
Monthly onsite audit and network tune-up
Creation of AUP (acceptable user policy)
Software upgrades*
Spyware monitoring and removal
Vendor liaison*
Installation of new hardware and software*
Recovery of server in case of complete disaster
Written disaster recovery plan
Loaner PC/Server
Help desk support for user questions, training
Printer maintenance and support
Support for 3rd Party Applications
Shopping and ordering warranty parts*
After hours support (evening and weekends)
* Labor only, all hardware and software costs will be additional.